Regression and Data Fitting
? 2008 Waterloo Maple Inc.
This worksheet contains examples using the function LeastSquares from the "CurveFitting" package to perform linear, polynomial, and non-linear regression. It is important to load this package before you attempt to perform these calculations. The package has been loaded in the Startup Code (Edit>Startup Code).
Defining the Data
Create a set of data, X values and Y values, in separate lists:
Linear Regression
This example will fit a linear equation to the data represented.
Polynomial Regression
The mathematics below show examples using Maple for polynomial regression. An equation of a given form is produced for the data defined above and then plotted on a graph.
Non-Linear Regression
The following examples show how to fit non-linear equations to the data defined above. The equations will be of type logarithmic and exponential.
NOTE: The previous examples illustrate Maple's built-in functional capabilities. However, it is important to note that Maple is a programming language and can be used to implement different algorithms or methods
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