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Programmation linéaire

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Programmation lin?aire 

? Andr? L?vesque

Cette application permet d'optimiser une fonction lin?aire ? deux variables ou plus. Lorsque le probl?me est ? deux ou trois variables, l'application localise dans le plan cart?sien ou dans un espace ? trois dimensions, l'ensemble convexe des solutions r?alisables du probl?me ainsi que tous ses sommets. Pour lancer l'application, cliquez sur !!! ou choississez  Edit -> Execute -> Worksheet. ou placez votre curseur sur une ligne rouge du programme puis cliquez sur la touche retour. 


> restart:

dStandard := proc(r1)
local coord, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, eq, g, g1, g2, A, B, X, Y, c, h, i, j, k, l, cv, cs, ct, p, s, d, v1, v2, _C, _w:
global _cnsts, _obj, s_opt, _var, _nc, _nv, x, y, z, _sr, _t:
use Maplets[Tools] in
x:='x': y:='y': z:='z':
 if Get('TF0')="" or Get('TF1')="" then
   return(plot(0,x=1..2,1..2, axes=NONE))
 if d[length(d)]<>"\n" then d:=cat(d,"\n") fi:
 for i from 1 to length(d) do
   if d[i]<>"\n" then
   elif d[i]="\n" and k<>"\n" and i<>1 then
   if _cnsts[length(_cnsts)]="," then
     _cnsts:=cat(seq(_cnsts[j], j=1..length(_cnsts)-1)):
   cv:=_cnsts union {_obj}:
     for i from 1 to nops(cv) do
       if nops(op([i],cv))=2 then
       for j from 1 to nops(cs) do
         for k from 1 to nops(op([j],cs)) do
           if is(op([j,k],cs),numeric)=false then
     for i from 1 to nops(_obj) do
       for j from 1 to nops(op(i,_obj)) do
         if is(op(j,op(i,_obj)),name)=true then
     k:=convert(_nc,set) minus convert(_var,set):
     for i from 1 to nops(k) do
       if _obj<>"" and not(is(_obj<infinity)) then
         if r1=true then
         if _nv=2 then
           x:='x': y:='y': z:='z':
           for i from 1 to 2 do
             if _var[i]="x" then
             elif _var[i]="y" then
           _cnsts := _cnsts union { x >= 0, y >= 0 }:
           if s_opt<>{} then
             for i from 1 to nops({eq})-1 do
               for j from i+1 to nops({eq}) do    
                 for l from 1 to nops(s) do
                   if evalb(s[l])=true then  
                 if k=nops(s) then
                   if op(p[1])[1]=x then
                     X:=[op(X),op(p[1])[2]]: Y:=[op(Y),op(p[2])[2]]
                     X:=[op(X),op(p[2])[2]]: Y:=[op(Y),op(p[1])[2]]
             if xmax=0 then
             if ymax=0 then
           if s_opt={} then
           g1:=plots[inequal](_cnsts, x = xmin .. xmax, y = ymin .. ymax, optionsfeasible = (color = grey), optionsclosed = (color = black, thickness = 1), optionsexcluded = (color = white),tickmarks=[3,3], labels=[x, y]):
           if s_opt<>{} and s_opt<>NULL then
               g2:=plots[implicitplot](_obj=subs(s_opt,_obj), x=xmin..xmax, y=ymin.. ymax, thickness = 2, linestyle=1, color=green, labels=[x, y]):
             if op(s_opt[1])[1]=x then
             for i from 1 to nops(X) do
               _C:=[op(_C), [X[i],Y[i]]]:
               if subs({x=op(X(i))[i],y=op(Y(i))[i]},_obj)=_w then
                 k:=k+1: c[k]:=[op(X(i))[i],op(Y(i))[i]]
             for i from 1 to nops(_C) do
               for j from i+1 to nops(_C) do
                 if op(_C)[j,1]<op(_C)[i,1] then
                   l:=_C[j]: _C[j]:=_C[i]: _C[i]:=l
             if nops(c)<=1 then
               for i from 1 to nops(_C) do
                 for j from nops(_C) to i+1 by -1 do
                   if abs(_C[i,1]-_C[j,1])/(xmax-xmin)< (length(cat(convert(_C[i,1],string), convert(_C[i,2],string)))+3)/60 and abs(_C[i,2]-_C[j,2])/(ymax-ymin)<0.05 then
                   if _C[i,2]=0 and k=0 then
                     if _C[i,2]=0 and k>0 then
                       if k=0 then
                   if r1=true then
                   g[i]:=plots[textplot]([_C[i,1],_C[i,2],cat(" (",convert(_C[i,1],string),", ",convert(_C[i,2],string),") ")],align=A):
                   _t:=cat(`La valeur `,
B, ` de la fonction objectif est `, convert(parse(convert(_w,CaractDec)),string), ` lorsque `, convert(x,string), `=`, convert(coord[1],string), ` et `, convert(y, string), `=`, convert(coord[2],string)):
                 for i from 1 to nops(_C) do
                   for j from nops(_C) to i+1 by -1 do
                     if abs(_C[i,1]-_C[j,1])/(xmax-xmin)<(length(cat(convert(_C[i,1],string),convert(_C[i,2],string)))+3)/60 and abs(_C[i,2]-_C[j,2])/(ymax-ymin)<0.05 then
                   if _C[i,2]=0 and k=0 then
                     if _C[i,2]=0 and k>0 then
                       if k=0 then
                   if r1=true then
                   g[i]:=plots[textplot]([_C[i,1],_C[i,2],cat(" (",convert(_C[i,1],string),", ",convert(_C[i,2],string),") ")],align=A):
                   _t:=cat(`La valeur `,
B, ` de la fonction objectif est  `, convert(_w,string), `  lorsque  `, convert(x,string), `=`, convert(c[1,1],string), ` et `, convert(y, string), `=`, convert(c[1,2],string), ` ou lorsque `, convert(x,string), `=`, convert(c[2,1],string), ` et `, convert(y, string), `=`, convert(c[2,2],string), ` ainsi que tous les points sur le segment joignant les deux solutions.`):
        _sr:=plots[display]([g1,seq(g[i],i=1..nops(_C)),g2], view=[1.2*xmin .. 1.2*xmax, 1.2*ymin .. 1.2*ymax], labels=[x, y], font=[HELVETICA,9], tickmarks=[0,0]):
     if s_opt={} then
        _t:=cat(`Il n'y a pas de solution optimale car l'ensemble`, `\n`, `des SOLUTIONS REALISABLES est VIDE.`):
        _sr:=plots[display]([g1,g2], labels=[x, y], font=[HELVETICA,9], tickmarks=[0,0]):
     if s_opt=NULL then
        _t:=cat(`La solution n'existe pas car l'ensemble`, `\n`, `des SOLUTIONS REALISABLES est NON BORNE.`):
        _sr:=plots[display]([g1,g2], labels=[x, y], font=[HELVETICA,9], tickmarks=[0,0]):
 if r1=true then
 if s_opt={} or s_opt=NULL then
   if simplex[feasible](_cnsts, NONNEGATIVE)=true then
     _t:=cat(`Il n'y a pas de solution. L'ensemble des SOLUTIONS REALISABLES est NON BORNE.`)
     _t:=cat(`Il n'y a pas de solution. L'ensemble des SOLUTIONS REALISABLES est VIDE.`)
   _t:=cat(`La valeur `,
B, ` de la fonction objectif est  `, convert(subs(s_opt,_obj),string), `  lorsque  `, seq(cat(convert(s_opt[i],string),` , `),i=1..nops(s_opt)))
 _sr:=plots[display](g1, labels=[x, y], font=[HELVETICA,9], tickmarks=[0,0]):
_sr:=plots[display](g1, labels=[x, y], font=[HELVETICA,9], tickmarks=[0,0]):
 if _nv=3 then
   Maplets:-Tools:-Set('LB1'(caption)="Pour changer l'angle de vue, cliquez sur le graphique tout en faisant glisser la souris."):
   x:='x': y:='y': z:='z':
 for i from 1 to 3 do
   if _var[i]="x" then
   elif _var[i]="y" then
   elif _var[i]="z" then
 if s_opt<>{} and is(_obj,numeric)=false then
   for i from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
     if subs({x=op(1,_sommets[i]),y=op(2,_sommets[i]),z=op(3,_sommets[i])},_obj)=v_opt then
     if k<>[] then
       if nops(k)=1 then
       elif nops(k)=2 then
         j:=`ainsi que tous les points sur l'ARETE du POLYEDRE CONVEXE contenant les deux solutions.`
       elif nops(k)>=3 then
         j:=`ainsi que tous les points sur la face du POLYEDRE CONVEXE contenant les solutions.`
       if nops(k)>=1 then
        _t:=cat(`La valeur `,
B, ` de la fonction objectif est `, convert(parse(convert(v_opt,CaractDec)),string), ` si\n`, seq(cat(convert(_t,string), convert(x,string), ` = `, convert(op(1,op(i,k)),string), `, `, convert(y,string), ` = `, convert(op(2,op(i,k)),string), `, `, convert(z,string), ` = `, convert(op(3,op(i,k)),string), `\n`), i=1..nops(k)), j)
 if is(_obj,numeric)=false then
 if _nv=2 then
 elif _nv>3 then
   _sr:=plots[textplot]([-1,0,`Aucune repr?sentation possible`], axes=NONE)
end use:

local i, j, k, substituer, sommets, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, sm, eqs, s, r, p, S, g1, g2, g3, g4, X, pt, pl, ft, ct, eq, st, l:
global s_opt, v_opt, _obj, _cnsts, _sr, _sommets:
_cnsts := _cnsts union { x >= 0, y >= 0 , z >= 0, x<=1000000000, y<=1000000000, z<=1000000000}:
s_opt:=[seq([subs([s_opt][i], x ), subs([s_opt][i], y ), subs([s_opt][i], z )], i=1..nops([s_opt]))]:
 for i from 1 to nops(eqs) do
   for j from i+1 to nops(eqs) do
     for k from j+1 to nops(eqs) do
 _sommets:=[seq([subs(_sommets[i], x ), subs(_sommets[i], y ), subs(_sommets[i], z )], i=1..nops(_sommets))]:
   for i from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
     substituer:=subs(convert(op(i,s),set), convert(_cnsts,list)):
     for j from 1 to nops(substituer) do
       if is(op(j,substituer))=true then
       if k=nops(_cnsts) then
     for i from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
       for j from i+1 to nops(_sommets) do
         for k from j+1 to nops(_sommets) do
     for i from 1 to nops(s) do
     for i from 1 to nops(pt) do
       pl:=[op(pl),[subs({x=op(1,op(i,pt)), y=op(2,op(i,pt)), z=op(3,op(i,pt))},convert(_cnsts,list))]]
     for i from 1 to nops(pl) do
       for j from 1 to nops(op(i,pl)) do
         for k from 1 to nops(op(j,op(i,pl))) do
           if is(convert(op(k,op(j,op(i,pl))),equality))=false then
       if ct<nops(_cnsts) then
     for i from 1 to nops(ft) do
     for i from 1 to nops(eq) do
       for j from i+1 to nops(eq) do
         if is(eq[i]+eq[j])=true then
     for i from 1 to nops(eq) do
       for j from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
         if is(subs({x=op(1,_sommets[j]),y=op(2,_sommets[j]),z=op(3,_sommets[j])},eq[i]))=true then
     for l from 1 to nops(st) do
       for i from 1 to nops(op(l,st)) do
         for j from i+1 to nops(op(l,st)) do
           for k from j+1 to nops(op(l,st)) do
             sm:=[op(sm),[op(i,op(l, st)), op(j,op(l, st)), op(k,op(l, st))]]
     for i from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
       if op(1,op(i,_sommets))<1e6 and op(2,op(i,_sommets))<1e6 and op(3,op(i,_sommets))<1e6 then
        sommets:= [op(sommets),op(i,_sommets)]
     if max(seq(op(1,sommets[i]),i=1..nops(sommets))) = 0 then
     if max(seq(op(2,sommets[i]),i=1..nops(sommets))) = 0 then
     if max(seq(op(3,sommets[i]),i=1..nops(sommets))) = 0 then
     for j from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
     r:=eqs minus {x = 1000000000, y = 1000000000, z = 1000000000}:
     for i from 1 to nops(eqs) do
       for j from i+1 to nops(eqs) do
         if is(eqs[i]+eqs[j])=true then
           r:=r minus {eqs[i]}
     for i from 1 to nops(_sommets) do
       for j from i+1 to nops(_sommets) do
         for k from 1 to nops(eqs) do
           if is(subs({x=(op(1,op(i,_sommets))+op(1,op(j,_sommets)))/2, y=(op(2,op(i,_sommets))+op(2,op(j,_sommets)))/2, z=(op(3,op(i,_sommets))+op(3,op(j,_sommets)))/2},op(k,eqs)))=true then
         if l>1 and op(i,_sommets)<>op(j,_sommets) then
     g1:=plots[textplot3d]([seq([seq(op(i,op(j,_sommets)),i=1..nops(op(j,_sommets))), X[j]], j=1..nops(_sommets))], color=black, font=[HELVETICA, 9]):
     i:=simplex[minimize](x+y+z,_cnsts minus {x<=1000000000, y<=1000000000, z<=1000000000},NONNEGATIVE):
     j:=simplex[maximize](x+y+z,_cnsts minus {x<=1000000000, y<=1000000000, z<=1000000000},NONNEGATIVE):
       if is(subs(i,_obj)<infinity) and is(subs(j,_obj)<infinity) then
         if s<>[] or op(r)<>[] then
           PLOT3D(POLYGONS(sm), STYLE(PATCHNOGRID), COLOR(XYZSHADING), LIGHT(0,0,0.0,0.1,0.0), LIGHT(100,45,0.1,0.0,0.0),LIGHT(100,-45,0.0,0.0,0.1), AMBIENTLIGHT(1,1,1)):
           g2:=PLOT3D(POLYGONS([[subs(i, x ), subs(i, y ), subs(i, z )],[subs(j, x ), subs(j, y ), subs(j, z )]]), STYLE(PATCH), COLOR(ZHUE)):
       if is(v_opt<infinity)=true then
         if is(subs(z='a',_obj)=_obj)=true then
         while whattype(traperror(plot3d(solve(k=v_opt,z), x=-i*xmax..i*xmax, y=-i*ymax..i*ymax)))=string do
         g3:=plot3d(solve(k=v_opt,z), x=-0.1*xmax..i*xmax, y=-0.1*ymax..i*ymax, transparency=0.80, shading=XY, style=PATCHNOGRID):
         _sr:=plots[display]([g1,g2,g3], view=[-0.1*xmax..1.2*xmax,-0.1*ymax..1.2*ymax, -0.1*zmax..1.2*zmax], tickmarks=[0, 0, 0], axes=NORMAL, orientation=[-20, 65], labels=[x, y, z]):
         _sr:=plots[display]([g1,g2], view=[-0.1*xmax..1.2*xmax,-0.1*ymax..1.2*ymax, -0.1*zmax..1.2*zmax], tickmarks=[0, 0, 0], axes=NORMAL, orientation=[-20, 65], labels=[x, y, z])

dRapide := proc(n)
local i, j, d, dl, db, dp, dr:
if n=1 then
if d<>"" then
 if d[length(d)]<>"
   " then
 for i from 1 to length(d) do
   if (d[i]="." and dp<>".")  or (d[i]="," and dp<>",") or (d[i]="-" and dp<>"-") or d[i]="0" or d[i]="1" or d[i]="2" or d[i]="3" or d[i]="4" or d[i]="5" or d[i]="6" or d[i]="7" or d[i]="8" or d[i]="9" or d[i]="/"  or d[i]="*"  then
   elif d[i]="        " then
   elif db<>"" and d[i]="\n" then
     if whattype(traperror(parse(db)))=string then
       if n=1 then
         j:="de la fonction objectif."
         j:="des contraintes."
       Maplets[Examples][Alert](cat("Erreur: coefficients ",j)):
     if (d[i]="\n" and d[i-1]=",") or(d[i]<>"        " and d[i-1]="        ") then
       db:=cat("[",seq(db[k], k=1..length(db)-1),"]"):
   for i from 1 to nops(dl) do
     for j from 1 to nops(dl[i])-1 do
       dr[i]:=cat(convert(dr[i],string), `(`, convert(dl[i,j],string), `)`, `*x`, convert(j, string),`+`):
     if n=2 then
       dr[i]:=parse(cat(convert(dr[i],string), `(`, convert(dl[i,j],string), `)`, `*x`, convert(j, string))):

plan := proc(a,b,c)
local n,r:
global x,y,z:
n := linalg[crossprod](b-a,c-a):
r := vector([x,y,z]):

local i, t:
global _cnsts, _obj, s_opt, _nv, _w:
use Maplets[Tools] in
 if Get('RB1')=true then
   t:=`Minimiser  `
   t:=`Maximiser  `
print(`soumise aux contraintes`):
_cnsts:=_cnsts minus {x<=1000000000, y<=1000000000, z<=1000000000}:
 for i from 1 to nops(_cnsts) do
   if _nv>3 then
     print(`toutes les variables sont non n?gatives.`)
 if (_nv=2 or _nv=3) and s_opt<>{} and s_opt<>"" then
end use

`convert/CaractDec`:= proc(x)
local X, i, j:
X:= sprintf(cat("%", 2*Digits+2, ".", Digits, "f"), x):
for i while X[i] = " " do od:
for j from length(X) by -1 while X[j] = "0" do od:
if X[j] = "." then j:= j-1 fi:

rep:= proc()
global _t:


Window['A1'](title="Aide", 'layout' = 'BA0', height=430, width=600, resizable = false),
"Cette application permet d'optimiser une fonction lin?aire ? deux variables ou plus, soumise ? des contraintes de la forme

     a*x+b*y+c*z ... <= d
     a*x+b*y+c*z ... >= d
     a*x+b*y+c*z ...  = d  

Lorsque le probl?me est ? deux ou ? trois variables, l'application localise dans le plan cart?sien ou dans un espace ? trois dimensions, l'ensemble convexe des solutions r?alisables du probl?me ainsi que tous ses sommets. En faisant glisser la souris, on peut examiner sous tous les angles les espaces ? trois dimensions.

Il n'est pas n?cessaire d'indiquer les contraintes de non n?gativit? du probl?me ( x>=0, y>=0, z>=0, ... ), l'application s'en charge. Vous pouvez utiliser les variables de votre choix (x, y, z, u, v, t, x1, x2 ... ).

La fonction objectif et les contraintes du probl?me peuvent ?tre entr?es directement dans les cases correspondantes. Pour acc?l?rer l'entr?e des donn?es, cliquez sur ?Donn?es simplifi?es? en utilisant le menu ?Option? ou en utilisant le bouton droit de la souris avec le curseur plac? au pr?alable sur une des cases contenant les donn?es."

Window['W0'](title="Aide (donn?es simplifi?es)", 'layout' = 'BA1', height=420, width=360, resizable = false),
   TextBox['TB3'](height=18, editable=false, font=Font('Courier',12),
   "Pour entrer le programme suivant:
   Maximiser 3*x + 5*y
   2*x - 5*y <= 7
     x + 3*y >= 2
           x >= 1
           y <= 3
           x >= 0
           y >= 0
il faut d'abord pr?senter toutes les contraintes du programme (sauf celles de non n?gativit?) sous la forme <=

   Maximiser  3*x + 5*y
   2*x - 5*y <=  7
    -x - 3*y <= -2
          -x <= -1
           y <=  3

puis entrer les coefficients de la fonction objectif et des contraintes en utilisant la virgule comme s?parateur.

  3, 5        

  2,-5, 7
  -1, 0,-1
  0, 1, 3"

Window['W1'](title="Programmation lin?aire", 'menubar'='MB1', height=585, width = 785, 'layout' = 'BL1', resizable = false),
       RadioButton['RB1']("Minimiser", 'value'=false,'group'='BG1'),
       RadioButton['RB2']("Maximiser", 'value'=true,'group'='BG1')
     "la fonction objectif",
     TextBox['TF0']('value' = "x+3*y+9*z", 'popupmenu'='PM1', height=3, width = 40, wrapped=false),
     TextField['TBX']('value' = "", visible=false),
     "soumise aux contraintes",
     TextBox['TF1']('value' = "x+y+z <= 9\nx >= 3\n2*x-y+3*z <= 12", 'popupmenu'='PM2', height=12, width = 40, wrapped=false),
     Button['B1']("R?soudre", width=100, Action(SetOption('B1'(enabled)=false), SetOption('LB1'(caption)=""), SetOption('TB1'=""), Evaluate('PL1'= 'dStandard(RB1)'), SetOption('B1'(enabled)=true))),
     BoxRow('inset'=0, 'spacing'=0,
       Button("Conserver", width=100, Action(SetOption('target' = 'TB1', 'value'= ""), Evaluate('PL1'= 'dStandard(RB1)'), Evaluate('function' = 'conserver()'))),
       Label(" ", font=Font('Helvetica',4)),
       Button("Effacer", width=100, Action(SetOption('TF0' = ""),SetOption('TF1' = ""), SetOption('TB1' = ""), Evaluate('PL1'= 'plots[textplot]([0,0,""],axes=NONE)')))
      Label("? Andr? L?vesque", halign =left, font=Font('Helvetica',10))
      BoxColumn('inset'=0, 'spacing'=0,
        BoxRow('inset'=0, 'spacing'=0, border=true,
          [Plotter['PL1'](height=375, width=375),
          Label['LB1']("", font=Font('Helvetica',9))]
        BoxRow( border=true,
          TextBox['TB1']("", height=4, width=48)
       MenuItem("Fermer", Shutdown())
       MenuItem("Donn?es simplifi?es", onclick = Action(RunWindow('W2')))
       MenuItem("Aide", RunWindow('A1'))
PopupMenu['PM1'](MenuItem("Donn?es simplifi?es", onclick = Action(RunWindow('W2'), SetOption('TF2'(focus)=true)))),
PopupMenu['PM2'](MenuItem("Donn?es simplifi?es", onclick = Action(RunWindow('W2'), SetOption('TF3'(focus)=true)))),

Window['W2'](title="Donn?es simplifi?es" , 'layout' = 'BL2', resizable = false),
     Label("Coefficients de la fonction objectif", font=Font('Helvetica',11)),
     TextBox['TF2']("2,1", width=15, height=3, wrapped=false),
         Label("     Coefficients des contraintes ?crites sous la forme :", font=Font('Helvetica',11)),
         Label(" <=     ", font=Font('courier',12))
     TextBox['TF3']("1,1,9\n-3,-2,-6\n1,0,5\n0,1,6", width=15, height=10, wrapped=false),
       Button("Transf?rer", width=100, onclick = Action( Evaluate('TF0'=""), Evaluate('TF1'=""), Evaluate('TB1'=""), Evaluate('PL1'= 'plots[textplot]([0,0,``], axes=NONE)'), Evaluate('TF0'='dRapide(1)'), Evaluate('TF1'='dRapide(2)'), SetOption('LB1'(caption)=""), CloseWindow('W2')))
       Button("Effacer", width=100, Action(SetOption('TF2' = ""),SetOption('TF3' = ""))),
       Button("Aide", width=100, RunWindow('W0'))
