Section 1.4 The Geometry of Complex Numbers, Continued - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Section 1.4 The Geometry of Complex Numbers, Continued

Section 1.4 The Geometry of Complex Numbers, Continued

: Dr. John Mathews
Engineering software solutions from Maplesoft
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In Section 1.3 we saw that a complex number z = x+i*y could be viewed as a vector in the xy-plane whose tail is at the origin and whose head is at the point (x,y). A vector can be uniquely specified by giving its magnitude (i.e., its length) and direction (i.e., the angle it makes with the positive x-axis). In this section, we focus on these two geometric aspects of complex numbers.

Application Details

Publish Date: October 01, 2003
Created In: Maple V
Language: English



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